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Cedar vs. Metal Posts

Cedar vs Metal Posts

How you ever considered installing metal fence posts instead of cedar?

When choosing between metal and cedar posts, there are several different factors to consider:

• How long do you plan on owning your current house or property?

• What aesthetics do you prefer to have when you enter your backyard daily?

• Will the perceived value of metal posts be worth the additional expense?

Metal will last up to 3 times longer against cedar’s structural life expectancy. But if you don’t plan on living in your home for 20 years, or prefer the aesthetics of cedar, then you already know which side of the fence you stand on :>)

If longevity is your preference, then metal is the “go to” material. It is more expensive, but the longevity and durability cannot be questioned.

As the fences age and the pickets and 2x4s rot, you can replace all but the post which will save you a ton of money on future fence repairs.

The main benefit of cedar posts is the aesthetics; wood on wood will give your fence a more uniform appearance, but they do not stand up to the elements in Colorado very well.

At the end of the day, you need to decide between longevity, cost, and appearance.

Thanks for reading,

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